Non invasive, radiation-free imaging for the breast and body

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Pembroke, Ontario Nosara, Costa Rica Boquete, Panama Toronto, Canada Whitby, Ontario

Learn how Thermography can help

Thermography is a non-invasive approach to assist in the early detection of many illnesses.

While most assessment methods use radiation to detect conditions like breast cancer, thyroid issues, dental problems, and circulatory problems, thermography uses an infrared heat sensing camera that produces no dangerous side effects.


What will thermographic imaging show me?


Your thermographic images will show us any noticeable heat patterns in the area of assessment. The images will undergoe several assessments. First, the images are uploaded into a software that measures the heat patterns from the camera, and gives feedback on temperatures and potential concerns.

The thermographer then personally interprets the heat signals, and reports on significant findings. The report is then sent to your thermography associate, so that they can make recommendations, based on your individual images. If your images are of concern, we may colloborate on findings before making recommendations.

What Happens Next?

The images are now forwarded to your thermograpy technician for follow up and recommendations.  The reports will be forwarded to you, and are your property. 

The thermographic technician will deliver the interpretation of the report to you remotely, and provide recommendations based on the findings.

Why Nomad Thermography?

When interpreting thermographic scans, it is really helpful to have a full-body approach to health, so that patterns of heat and cold can be recognized as either local or systemic in the body.

Heat signals can have many reasons.  In areas where there is more blood vessels, or they are closer to the surface of the skin will produce heat signals. Organs and tissues that have inflammation can also produce heat signals. Inflammation can occur in the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, lymphatic systems.  Compressions, can create a heat signal, and many malignancies can be detected by the heat signal given off due to rapid cell generation.

The quality of interpretation can be determined by the assessment skills of the practitioner. 

With a background of East Asian Medicine, as well as University anatomy and physiology and a 25 year physical clinical practice of acupuncture and bodywork, I provide a root cause approach to thermographic interpretations. Combining the oldest techniques, and recent tools of assessment, merging science and technology to look at the body systems and work towards a future that includes optimum health.

I work with local health professionals to create a health plan that may include diet, lifestyle, physical treatment and acupuncture, and sometimes further testing such as ultrasound, bloodwork, or other tests are recommended to determine the cause and best treatment for many conditions.

Lisa bio pic - Edited

Upcoming Thermography Clinics

San Juan Del Sur, Nicaragua Nosara, Costa rica Boquete, Panama Toronto, Canada Whitby Ontario

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